User Manual

Document #7201-001, Rev C Page 29
Host Only Mode:
The i-PORT is inactive in “Host Only” mode and waits for commands from the host
computer. When the host computer sends a scan command to the i-PORT, the i-PORT
executes the scan and sends the results back to the host computer. If data now needs to
be read from or written to a tag, the host computer must send the command to do so to
the i-PORT. The i-PORT can be operated via the Ethernet interface (Port 7070) or via the
serial interface in “Host Only” mode.
Continuous Mode:
In contrast to the “Host Only” mode, the i-PORT scans continuously in “Continuous Mode”.
The settings to determine which data are to be read and in what intervals are configurable
(see “Configuration”). The messages are made available at Port 7070.
Messages can be generated by tags or through inputs. The content of the messages can
also be configured (see “Configuration”).