User's Manual

RTLS Hardware and Installation Manual
Page 14 of 30
3.6 The i-BUS Connector
Please Note
The i-BUS uses RS422 lev els on its RX and TX Pins, although Ethernet jack/plugs mechanically
fit, the device is not Ethernet compatible.
As the TxD/RxD cr ossing is done by the pinout of the connectors, simple str aight cabling can be
If devices are powered by the RJ45 cabling of th e i-BUS, wire gauge must be at least A WG24
(0.25 mm²)
View into the connector = crimp/solder side of plug
Pin To Master To Slave T568B color Description
1 RxD+ TxD+ White/orange
2 RxD– TxD– Orange
3 TxD+ RxD+ White/Green
4 V+ (10 … 30V) V+ (10 … 30V) Blue Power supply over i-BUS
5 V+ (10 … 30V) V+ (10 … 30V) White/Blue Power supply over i-BUS
6 TxD– RxD– Green
7 GND GND White/Brown Power supply over i-BUS
8 GND GND Brown Power supply over i-BUS
Connection Parameters
Signal levels: RS422
Baud rate: 115200 bits per second
Data bits: 8
Stop bits: 1
Parity: none
Mode: half duplex
Flow Control: none