User's Manual

Administrator (Root) password.
DCL Mode: When SDK is used to print cards with DCL mode, printer driver doesn’t need to
be installed. If the DCL mode is set to “Use”, printer driver is not installed on Windows.
Dump Mode: Log data can be recorded into Printer.
Card In Direction: To set the direction that card is fed.
Auto Card In: When the card is detected at card gate, the card is automatically moved into
Card Out Direction: To set the direction that card is ejected.
Error Card Out: To set the direction which error card (encoding failed card) is ejected.
SBS Only: This option is only activated when SDK is used to print card. Printer driver can’t be
used when this option is set.
Use USB Serial: When SMART-70 Printer is connected to USB, Printer transmits the USB serial
number to PC. Default is the same number used by all SMART-70. To connect multiple
SMART-70 Printers to only one PC via USB, Please set this option to “USE” for using unique
serial numbers for each Printer.
UART Baud Rate: To set the communication speed (Baud rate) of the external device
connected to Printer by serial.
UART Bypass: When Printer is communicated with an external device by serial interface, the
commands are passed without any processing.
Cleaning Warning: After a certain number of printings, Printer is contaminated and needed
to clean for keeping the Printer in the best condition. If cleaning is required, please set how
to display the warning message.
Normal Ribbon Search: To set that SMART-70 can search the panel of ribbon more
accurately in ribbon searching.
Printer Master/Slave: SMART-70 Printer can variously be configured according to your needs
and two Printers can be connected and used. In this case, this option is used to set the
Printer connected to PC via USB to “MASTER” and set the other Printer to “SLAVE”.
LCD Error Display: To set the displayed message type on the LCD of Printer when error
occurs in Printer.