User's Manual

AM600 Ver. 1.0 User Manual
Mod: MDM/011/M2 Rev 6
IDS GeoRadar Srl User Manual MNG/2020/001 Rev. 1.0 13/ 17
d. Unauthorized changes and additions to the Products.
e. Use of the Products connected to suspected non-working equipment or with
equipment (mainly PC) having characteristics not in compliance with the
required specifications of IDS GeoRadar s.r.l. not expressly authorized by IDS
GeoRadar s.r.l.;
f. Poor or faulty operation of the electrical and telecommunication networks
not directly managed by IDS GeoRadar s.r.l. or its delegates.
g. Poor or faulty operation Software/Hardware of the third parties connected
with IDS GeoRadar s.r.l. Equipment.
h. Poor or faulty operation of the Products due to Software Virus which
infected the Products after their delivery.
i. Use of the Products which have encountered suspected manumissions,
accidents, electrostatic shocks, flashes, fire, earthquake, flooding or other
natural disasters or unexpected events.
j. Use or storage of the Products outside the limits of the “Operational
Temperature Range” specified by IDS GeoRadar S.r.l.