User's Manual

IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. N°doc: MN/2009/070 - Rev. 1.1
IBIS-L v.02.00 - User manual
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All information contained in this document is property of IDS. All rights reserved.
6.1 Installation
The successful outcome of a measurement campaign starts from the initial inspection
survey: the first main aim of the inspection survey is to establish the exact position of the
base that the linear scanner will be installed onto.
The characteristics of a good position are to:
be in the direction of the displacement to be measured;
have sufficient space to operate safely and to have room for the linear
scanner, the power supply module and the operators;
be easily accessible for the transportation of material (remember that the
packing case weighs 107 kg and is bulky to move);
have an external power supply. If this is impossible, a power generator must
be supplied;
During the inspection survey, it is also useful to perform a GPS measurement of the
position the instrument will have, and of the area to be monitored, obtain maps, including
3D maps or DEM of the area and ensure that all necessary permits have been obtained for
the construction of the base and monitoring the area of interest. It is always a
recommended to inform the competent authorities.
It is recommended to check sufficiently in advance that the contents of the case have been
properly loaded to avoid any damage during transportation, ensure that the power supply
module batteries have been fully charged (see par 3.5) and arrange a suitable means of
transport capable of containing all the necessary material. A list of this material is given in
paragraph 4.1.
Remember that subsequent installations after the first one require a new set of anchoring
elements for the linear scanner.
Installation requires the work of at least two or three people and at least one must be
capable of using a percussion drill.
The recommended size for the base is 2000mm x 800mm x 200mm; in reality, this is the
minimum size that provides sufficient space to correctly orientate the linear scanner and to
provide a sufficiently robust concrete base. For ease of installation and use, the base
should have a height of about 600 - 700 mm.
The orientation of the linear scanner should be chosen considering the scenario to be
measured and the width of the antenna beam, to make sure that the entire scenario falls
inside the instrument’s field of vision.
: the IBIS-L system does not include an electrical energy generating system. In fact the
power supply unit can only store energy in its batteries and is not fitted with a 220 V
output, (for a percussion drill for example). The choice of power supply system is left
to the user, who will have to consider the energy absorbed by the instruments to be