User's Manual

IDS Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A. Protocol: MN/2009/030 - Rev. 1.2
Safe Rail System Data Acquisition Software
Fig. 4-20 –Advanced Settings window
Ground type
field enables you to activate the
Rough terrain
if necessary. When this option is activated, the radar data are temporarily
saved on the selected
during the acquisition phase. You can even
select an external
such as a flash memory to temporarily save the
data during the acquisition phases. This option is recommended when the
ground conditions are particularly rough, and when you may find that
saving the data during the acquisition phase becomes critical due to the
high number of vibrations in the system.
In the
Measure unit
field, you can choose the measurement units to be
applied to the radar map visualized in real time. The alternatives are
In the
Wiggle sweep
you can select the parameters for visualising the
acquired data in real time in Wiggle mode;
o Scale
represents the signal amplification
(intended as the number of
pixels into which the -10V a +10V vector scale is mapped),
o N. trace
represents the xinterval
of the viewed traces (i.e. that
one sweep is viewed everyxtraces),
o Trace offset
is on the other hand the representation interval
between adjoining traces (i.e. also in this case the number of pixels)
o Default
saves the preset settings as the default
In the
Swap axis
field, you have the choice of modifying the vertical scale
of the radar map by setting the value in
In the
Gain application
field, you can choose to view the radar map
acquired in real time with or without gain applied
In the
Background removal field
you can set the Clear_x application for
the acquired radar maps.
In the
Display enable
you can activate the display mode of the radar
section during acquisition phase.