User's Manual

6.3.2  User interface for ReaderStart v2
The program is started by ReaderStart v2�exe� The splash screen is displayed until all the necessary
DLLs have been loaded in the background� After this the user interface shown below appears� This con-
sists essentially of the menu bar, the tabs together with the status field�
Figure: ReaderStart v2 user interface
Functions that are unavailable are greyed out in the program�
The settings and controls for the reader are divided into individual functional groups under different tabs�
The individual sheets can be selected using the tabs� The sequence of the tabs can be changed as re-
quired by “drag and drop”�
All status messages from the reader and the program are shown in the status field, and if desired logged�
3 message types are defined:
[Info] shows which action was just performed
[Warning] indicates possible problems in the structure and configuration
[Error] indicates that the desired action could not be executed
Every message is provided with a time stamp which is placed in the status field which always lies above
the information itself�
The status field has a context menu which allows deactivation of warnings, information and errors in the
status field� Messages that have expired can be deleted in this menu�
6.3.3  Menu bar
The menu bar allows the program to be customised to your own requirements� These include for exam-
ple: language settings, layout, status messages and program information� It consists of the items: file,
options and info�
6.3.4  File
There are a wide variety of parameters available for configuring the RF front end� A complete setting can
be saved as a parameter set in the menu item [File] as an XML file, and later reloaded�