User's Manual

Under the item "Save Reader Configuration to File", a dialogue opens which displays all the available pa-
rameter sets (0 - 7)� The selection can be changed by setting the check� Furthermore each parameter set
can be described briefly� Selecting Speichern [Save] opens a further dialogue in which a respective save
location and a file name must be selected or input, in order to successfully save the file� The progress of
the save operation is shown by a progress bar
Figure: Saving the configuration in a file
Reloading the settings starts with the selection of the parameter file� In the dialogue which opens, all
available parameter sets are displayed� The assignment of them to the individual save locations can be
reassigned here� For this purpose the desired parameter set on the reader can be selected in the drop-
down menu� Selection of the item "None" means this parameter set is not loaded into the reader� In the
default setting a 1:1 assignment applies� Pressing the [Assign parameter sets 1:1] button resets all the
changes in the assignment to the default� Pressing the [Delete assignment] button deletes all assign-
ments of the saved parameter sets to those in the reader� In the drop-down menu this is indicated by
Figure: Loading a configuration from the file
6.3.5  Options
The Options are divided into two groups� One part offers the facility to change or reset some properties
of the program� The second part permits the reader to be provided with new firmware and to change its
system time�