User's Manual

Table Of Contents
3 - Setup for measurements
2 1
ARC System 2
3.2.5 How to connect the ARC 2 Measurement Microphone
Please connect the ARC 2 Measurement Microphone to a high-quality micro-
phone preamplifier, and enable the +48V phantom power supply.
Please check these two options (both are okay):
a. The preamplifier is built into the audio interface. In this case,
the microphone will be directly connected to the XLR input on
the audio interface without using any attenuator pad and with
+48V phantom power turned on.
b. The audio interface has no mic preamplifier. In this case, you
will need to connect the microphone to an external preampli-
fier or to a mixer, and then connect the preamplifier output to
the audio interface line input.
To get the necessary precision, the preamplifier should be as clean and flat
as possible. For this reason, you should avoid using tube preamplifiers for
measuring. Also, electronically balanced (transformerless) preamplifiers
are preferred over transformer-based designs which tend to color the sound
too much.
To start, set the gain control on your preamplifier to its middle position.
Probably you will have to adjust this later on when setting levels.
Any direct monitoring on the audio interface mixer should be turned OFF.
To confirm this, simply check that no microphone signal at all is going out
to the speakers.