User's Manual

Table Of Contents
5 - Using the ARC 2 Plug-In
5 2
ARC System 2
Each DAW has its own criteria for how to use aux tracks, monitoring bus,
master tracks/faders, etc. Therefore, these suggestions for how to start
ARC 2 in several host applications are just a starting point, a guideline. For
example, if your session already has a master track, you do not need to cre-
ate another one. Just insert ARC 2 as the last plug-in. We recommend that
you read your DAW manual chapters specifically related to outputs, monitor-
ing bus, master tracks, routing configurations, etc.
Considering that DAWs are in constant update, please refer to their User
Manuals to learn how to insert ARC 2 as a plug-in.
The ARC 2 Plug-In is compatible with RTAS, VST and Audio Units plug-in
formats on both (where applicable) Windows and Mac OS X platforms.
Please refer to the Installation and Authorization Manual for further details.
5.5 Using the ARC 2 Plug-In
Before using the ARC 2 Plug-In, be sure you have already saved one or more
measurement sets so that you can load them in the plug-in.
1. Open your DAW.
2. Create a new session or open an existing one.
3. Open the DAW audio mixer, and locate the stereo master bus. If you
are using Pro Tools and your session does not have a stereo master
bus yet, please create one.
4. Load the ARC 2 Plug-In as the LAST processor on the stereo master
5. From the measurements menu, select one of your saved measure-
ment sets.
6. Select one of the Target Curves from the menu. We suggest starting
with FLAT.
7. Click the Correction ON Switch. When it is lit, the correction is ON.
a. If you are using mastering processors (like T-RackS), be sure to
insert the ARC 2 Plug-In AFTER all the other processors. The
ARC 2 Plug-In must always be the LAST one in the processing
b. If your master level is really hot, (very close to 0dB), be sure to
not overload the stereo master bus with the ARC 2 processing.
c. If clipping occurs when checking the ARC 2 Peak Meter in POST
mode, use the TRIM knob to lower the level.
8. Keep the ARC 2 Plug-In inserted on the stereo master bus through-
out the entire recording, mixing and mastering process.
IMPORTANT: Switch the ARC 2 Plug-In OFF before bouncing the project to a
disk file. Your final mix should NOT include the ARC 2 processing because it
is designed for MONITORING use only.