User's Manual

Rear controls
The pushbuttons on the back panel will help you to perfectly match iLoud MTM to every acoustic environment.
LF extension
The LF extension button is a high-pass filter that can be set to filter out frequencies below 60Hz, 50Hz (default)
or 40Hz.
HF filter
This pushbutton controls the high frequency level using a shelf-type EQ. The level can be set to 0dB (FLAT),
+2dB or -2dB, from 8kHz up.
LF filter
This pushbutton controls the low frequency level using a shelf-type EQ. The level can be set to 0dB (FLAT),
+2dB or -3dB, from 100Hz down.
This filter is used to adjust the proximity effect of side walls and ceiling. Use this filter whenever the acoustics of
your room cause problems in the low frequency range.
This pushbutton allows you to cycle between Desktop filer, FLAT (default) and custom user Calibration. The
Desktop filter sets an attenuation filter to compensate for the typical acoustic effect of a console or a desk. Such
placement usually results in a boost in the lower midrange. The Desktop switch activates a bell shaped notch
filter, with a -4dB centered at 160Hz and +1dB at 1.8kHz.