
Table Of Contents
15.8 Glider Tow
Load a glider model (e.g. Intention) and tow plane
(e.g. Wilga)
Note: If glider towing positions are not provided in a
particular scenery, the models will remain at their
current positions and will be connected to the tow
rope should they be on the ground and positioned
sufficiently close to one another.
15.9 Winch launch and helper
For glider models, aerofly RC8 has two further
innovations: The winch launch and the helper, who
launches the model. Load an appropriate model
(glider), go through all the possible start positions in
the usual manner using key 'V' or 'B'. Once you
have found the desired position, press the space
bar to start. To restart, simply press the space bar
Winch speed: Open „Settings“ and „Simulation“ in
the program main menu. Here you can change the
winch speed and aerotow rope length.
Select the menu item „Glider Tow“ in the menu
„Extras“, or press Key 'F', to move the models
automatically into position for connecting to a tow
rope. The tow plane must taxi slowly until the tow
rope is taught before accelerating.
Note: If no winch starts and no starting positions
with a helper are provided in a scenery, you can still
use the keys 'J' or 'H''s to launch the model from 2
meters or 50 meters altitude.