User Manual

The art of cultivating bonsai trees rst
originated in China and was adopted in Japan
around the year 1000 AD. The word “bonsai”
comes from the Japanese “bon,” meaning tray,
and “sai,” meaning tree. The goal of cultivat-
ing bonsais is to recreate nature in miniature
and to make the tree look much older than it
actually is. The tree and the pot should form
a single harmonious unit and complement one
Care instructions
1. Protect the plant against cold and draught
during transportation.
2. Place it in a bright or slightly shaded place.
Do not place the plant over a radiator or
in a draught. If the outdoor temperature
doesn’t fall below 15°C (60°F) the plant can
be placed outside.
3. The plant may lose some of its leaves 2-3
weeks after the purchase. This is normal as
the plant is sensitive to changes.
4. When watering submerge the pot
completely in water. When the air bubbles
stop rising, lift up the pot and let the water