User Manual

drain off. Remove water that might be left
in the saucer a few hours after watering.
If you can’t submerge the pot, water the
plant by pouring water on the saucer. Try to
keep the soil moist but don’t give the plant
too much water - overwatering is the main
cause of death of bonsai trees.
5. When watering, fertilize with an ordinary
fertilizer every other time during summer
and every third time during winter. As
bonsai trees are fragile, use half of the
amount recommended for other plants.
6. To keep the shape of your bonsai tree,
pruning is needed. But don’t take away
too much. All that you can cut away above
the soil also dies underneath. Never cut off
shoots in winter.
7. Repotting is needed when the roots push
the plant out of the pot. Use a substrate
with less rened structure to give more air
to the roots. Repotting should only be done
during spring/summer.