User Manual

Treatment with wood treatment oil
The table has been treated once with wood
treatment oil in the factory. Shiny spots
on the table surface are easily removed
by polishing with the coarse side of a
Scotchbrite® sponge or similar.
In order for the table to retain its high
surface resistance, sand the surface lightly
along the wood grain with ne-grained
sandpaper a few days after assembly. Wipe
off all sanding dust with a cloth and then
apply a thin, even coat of BEHANDLA wood
treatment oil with a brush or a cloth until
the surface cannot absorb any more oil.
Take extra care when applying oil to the
end edges of the table top, apply a second
coat if necessary, as they are liable to crack
formation. To avoid the risk of making marks
on the oor, do not oil the underside of the
Leave the oil to penetrate the surface
for 15-20 minutes. Wipe off any surplus
oil with a soft cloth. After ca. 24 hours,
when the oil has dried up, sand down any
grain raising with ne-grained sandpaper.
When the surface is smooth, repeat the oil
treatment. To ensure that the table retains
its appearance and durable surface for many
years to come it should be treated with
BEHANDLA wood treatment oil at regular
IMPORTANT! Wash used brushes and soak
used cloths in water and dispose of them
in a reproof dustbin to prevent the risk of
spontaneous combustion.
For daily cleaning, wipe the surface with a
damp cloth and then with a dry cloth. If you