Technical Data Sheet

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Nov 2018
FP4 Plus roll film developed in ILFORD ILFOTEC HC (1+31) for 8 minutes at
20°C/68°F with intermittent agitation. This curve is also
representative of the 35mm and sheet film formats.
FP4 Plus can be processed in all types of processing equipment including spiral tanks, rotary processors,
dishes/trays, deep tanks and automatic processors. Standard capacity figures and replenishment rates can be
maintained. FP4 Plus is very robust in processing and will tolerate less than ideal processing conditions. Also, it
will not contaminate the processing chemicals.
Safelight recommendations
Handle FP4 Plus film in total darkness.
Intermittent agitation is recommended for use in spiral tanks and deep tanks. With spiral tanks, invert the tank
four times during the first 10 seconds, then invert the tank four times again during the first 10 seconds of each
further minute. Otherwise, follow the recommendations given by the processing equipment manufacturer.
For sheet film, continuous agitation is recommended in dishes/trays by rocking the dish/tray.
Stop, fix, wash and rinse
For best results it is recommended that all process solutions are kept at the same temperature or at least within
5ºC (9ºF) of the developer temperature.
Stop Bath
After development the film can be rinsed in
water but we recommend that an acid stop
bath is used such as ILFORD ILFOSTOP (with
indicator dye). ILFOSTOP is also
recommended for all machine processing
applications. When tanks or dishes (trays) of
process solutions are in use a stop bath
immediately stops development and reduces
carry over of excess developer into the fixer
bath. This helps to maintain the activity and
prolong the life of the fixer solution.
The process time given is the minimum required, if necessary, a longer time may be used and should not cause
any process problems provided it is not excessive
Temperature Range
1824ºC (6475ºF)
Time (sec) at 20ºC (68ºF)
Capacity (films per litre,
15x (135-36)