Operation Manual

Troubleshooting - continued
· Your iPod is not charged even though it is in the dock.
- Your iPod might not be properly docked. Take your iPod out of the dock, and remove any
obstructions on the connector from the dock and on your iPod. Place your iPod back into
the dock.
- Your iPod may be frozen or locked. Check whether your iPod operates correctly before placing
it back into the dock. Please refer to the owners instruction manual of your iPod.
- You are using the rst, second, or third generation of iPod. First, second, and third generation
of iPod are only charged with the FireWire connection. The FireWire connection is not
supported by the i399/i398.
· When playing music, the sound gets distorted.
- The volume level on the connected device or the i399/i398 may be set too high. Decrease the
volume until the distortion has disappeared.
- The source sound is distorted. If the original sound source (MP3) on your iPod may be poor
quality, the distortion and noises are easily noticed with high-power speakers. Try a dierent
audio source like a music CD to test.
· The remote control does not operate properly.
- The installed battery is weak. Replace with a new battery.
- It is not aimed to the i399/i398 or too far away from it. Move within 10 feet of the unit and
point the remote control toward the i399/i398.
· Sudden drop of volume or hear static or distortion when using devices with Bluetooth
technology with BluePin
- Please check your battery level and charge if necessary.
- Make sure you are not too far away from the unit.
- Make sure you are free from any interfering devices such as walls and any other
wireless devices.
- Check if the BluePin unit is securely connected to the BluePin port.
· Pairing with other devices with Bluetooth technology with BluePin is not working.
- Make sure SEND or RCV mode is set correctly on the BluePin.
- Be sure to check your devices manual to see if A2DP Bluetooth Prole is supported.
- Make sure the devices are not too far away from each other.
iLuv | 21i399/398 | V11M11_IM_EN_0120200920 | iLuv
Troubleshooting - continued
- Make sure to put the correct password (The default password for BluePin is “0000”).
- Check with your devices manual if the device supports other Bluetooth products.
- Make sure both devices are in pairing mode to accept connections from each other.
- Make sure the Bluetooth device you are using is Bluetooth Version 1.2 or higher for stable
connectivity. (Some of the V1.1 devices might not be fully compatible with BluePin.
Make sure to check your Bluetooth devices manual for compatibility issues).
· Can not pair with stereo headset with Bluetooth wireless technology made by
other manufacturers.
- This could happen if the device has its own security method, or unique password other then
“0000”. Please check with the manufacturer for compatibility issues. For full compatibility we
recommend iLuv Bluetooth Stereo Headset.
- Make sure headset supports A2DP Bluetooth Stereo Prole.
- Make sure the device is fully charged and you are not too far away from the BluePin. unit.
- Make sure you are not using mono headset to pair. (This will not work since mono headset uses
dierent Bluetooth prole. If proles do not match with the devices you are connecting to,
pairing will fail. Please check your device manual, or check with manufacturer to see if device
has matching A2DP Bluetooth Stereo Prole)
· There seems to be noticeable delay between the devices with Bluetooth wireless
technology and i399/i398.
- This is normal when using devices using Bluetooth wireless technology.
· Bluetooth stereo headset remote functions like PLAY/PAUSE/ SKIP/FWD SKIP/BKWD do
not work
- Depends on the device these function might be disabled due to software issues.
- Please refer to owner’s manual of the device you are using.