User manual

ImmersionRC | EzOSD Manual
The section of this manual which covers the use of the EzOSD is intentionally very short.
1. Bring Equipment to the field
2. Power up FPV equipment, and wait for ‘Acquiring Satellites’ to disappear (6 satellites required to fly)
3. Fly…
Telemetry, and Tracking Antenna
The EzOSD transmits the position of the plane (Latitude/Longitude/Altitude) in a coded form, down the
Right Audio channel.
This telemetry data may be used in several ways:
1) Replay a flight using the Immersion Player on a PC, and show the plane’s position, and track, in real
time, in Google Earth™
2) Connect the audio output of the A/V receiver to one of ImmersionRC’s Antenna Tracking accessories.
These will drive servos in a pan/tilt (or pan-only) antenna mount, to track the model as it moves around
the sky.
The tracking antenna allows higher-gain, directional antennas to be used, and can be a great help where
video transmitter power is limited.