Quick Start Guide

Version 1.0 Part Number: 102960-01 © 2021, Impinj, Inc. Version 1.0 Part Number: 102960-01 © 2021, Impinj, Inc.
Connect antenna
1. Securely mount one or more Impinj-approved antennas in accordance with the
antenna manufacturer’s instructions
2. Securely connect the antenna to a reader antenna port
Warning: You must use Impinj-approved antennas with the reader. See the Impinj R510 RAIN RFID
Reader Datasheet for a detailed list of approved antennas. Using any other antenna may adversely
affect performance or cause damage. The reader requires professional installation to correctly set
the TX power for the selected RF cables and antennas.
Power the reader using PoE and connect it to the network
1. Route an Ethernet cable from the reader’s RJ45 Ethernet port to a Power over
Ethernet (PoE) power source.
An IEEE 802.3at PoE+ source is recommended. A POE+ source enables
full reader functionality, including maximum reader transmit power
An IEEE 803.af PoE source can be used. Reader transmit power and
certain features will be constrained. See the Impinj R510 RAIN RFID
Reader Datasheet for additional detail
Typical PoE power sourcing equipment (PSE) includes the Impinj midspan
injector (sold separately) or an endspan network switch. A midspan injector
requires an additional Ethernet cable and an AC line cord.
Sign into the reader and update firmware if necessary
1. Use and web browser to navigate to https://support.impinj.com and type “latest
firmware” into the Support Portal* search bar.
For EAP partners, this will be provided by Impinj Customer Support.
2. Click the “Latest firmware, utilities, and development libraries for Impinj readers
and gateways” link.
3. Note the available firmware version listed on the page.
4. Determine the reader hostname to connect to a network with a DHCP server.
Impinj R510 Hostname: impinj-XX-XX-XX (where XX-XX-XX is the last 3
hex couplets of the reader MAC address, e.g. impinj-89-AB-CD)
The MAC address is printed on labels affixed to the reader and shipping box
NOTE: If you are connecting your Impinj R510 reader to a network with static IP
addressing, refer to Impinj R510 RAIN RFID Reader Datasheet for
5. In a new browser tab, connect to the Impinj R510 reader using the URL
http://<Hostname or Static IP>. (See step 4)
6. Sign into the reader using the default credentials:
username: root
password: impinj
7. Once the reader web configuration page opens, note the software version under
Compare the software version number to the firmware version in step 3.
8. If newer reader firmware is available, proceed with following steps:
Download the firmware upgrade file from the support portal or contact an
authorized Impinj partner
Click the Browse button next to Select Upgrade File in the web configuration
Navigate to the firmware upgrade file
Click Upgrade (this may take several minutes)
Click Reboot
Read tags with Impinj ItemTest software
1. Open the Impinj ItemTest software application
2. Add a new data source by clicking:
Enter the reader host name (impinj-XX-XX-XX) or static IP address
Click Add Data Source
Ensure the reader data source is enabled:
3. Select the Inventory showcase (default)
4. Place tags in the antenna field of view
5. Start tag inventory operation by clicking:
Click a column header to sort by a specific attribute
Right-click any column header to select which attributes are displayed
6. Stop tag inventory operation by clicking:
Click the Settings button to change how inventory runs are configured
Click Save to apply the configuration (Cancel to revert changes)
7. Click the reader name (under DATA SOURCES ) to change reader settings
Update reader settings as desired
Click SAVE to apply updated reader settings (Cancel to revert changes)