Operations Guide

curl -vkL -u root:impinj --output diagnostic_bundle.zip \
For more information, consult the Octane RESTful API.
8.3 Submitting Diagnostic Data for Analysis by Impinj Technical Support
If the Impinj R700 reader is exhibiting RF behavior that is dierent from what you expect and you are unable
to determine the cause, you might want to submit relevant data for analysis by Impinj Technical Support.
You can use the Impinj ItemTest application to easily capture data related to the problem scenario. By
creating and providing a Reader Diagnostic Data le, Impinj’s Technical Support team can troubleshoot
your issue.
To capture data to a Reader Diagnostic Data le
1. Open ItemTest and connect to the appropriate reader. For more information, see the gure entitled
Item Test Initial Screen, shown earlier in this document.
2. Select the desired reader under the Data Sources heading in the left panel.
3. Select the Diagnostics tab near the top of the resulting reader page.
4. Enter or browse for a destination folder.
5. Choose a le name prex (cannot be empty) and the desired capture window time in minutes (must
be 1 or greater; the practical upper limit is 10).
6. Select Start to begin the capture session.
ItemTest connects to the reader and begins ”listening” for any RF activity. The reader captures data
surrounding any RF activity it detects.