User's Manual

Copyright © 2018 InCoax Networks AB. All rights reserved. 13
Confidential under NDA
Table 3 — Description of the Add Modem parameters.
[Default Setting]
Basic Settings
MAC MAC address for the Modem.
User defined
Text string describing the location of the Modem. Set to Auto discover
when the Modem has been automatically detected and added by the
Controller. This can be changed when the Modem has been added.
Service VLAN n id
n = 1 - 4
User added VLAN
Defines which of the VLAN’s available on the Controller that could be
available in the Modem. If there is a Service Default VLAN it will show up
as a suggestion.
DHCP Option 82
User defined DHCP Relay Agent Information Option parameters
DHCP Max Clients
User defined
Defines max. concurrent clients that are allowed to connect to this
Modem. 0 (zero) means unlimited.
Admission Allowed
On/Off [On]
Defines whether the Modem is allowed to be associated with the
Controller or not. Check the checkbox to allow admission.
Automatic Power
On/Off [On]
Enable or disable automatic power control. The benefit with automatic
power control is that the risk of interfering with other analogue devices
is reduced due to overall lower transmit power levels. External
interference problems can be reduced / avoided by disabling the power
control mechanism. Power control is enabled when the checkbox is
0 - 10 [10]
This parameter sets the transmit power level when automatic power
control is disabled and sets the max. power level when automatic power
control is enabled. Each reduction in the index is a 3dB reduction in the
transmit power level.
When using the Power Amplifier (PA, "PA On") in the Controller, the
MoCA chip needs to back off to avoid saturation of the PA, so the max.
TX Power should be set to 8 or less to avoid saturation of the PA.
When NOT using the Power Amplifier (PA, "PA Off") in the Controller,
max. TX Power should be set to 10.
Power Control Rate
0 - 680 Mbps
This parameter is the required physical bit rate that will be targeted in
the automatic power control mode and is the speed per 100 MHz
channel. If the target MAC rate is 2500 Mbps MAC rate, the Power
Control Rate should be set to 680 Mbps (5 × 680 Mbps = 3400 Mbps PHY
rate), as a lot of the PHY rate capacity will be used for the MoCA Access
2.5 based MAC.
Amplified output and/or attenuated input. (Default Off/Off). Observe
that “PA On” requires the user to modify the Power parameter
described above.
US Speed limit
Max. upstream traffic from the Modem. The default value of zero, 0,
means that no upstream limit is applied in the Modem and all policing is
done in the Controller.
MoCA Band
Choose frequency range. Options A-A/A-B/A-C/A-D or
Frequency (1 of)
450 - 1625 MHz
The centre frequency the Modem is to operate on.
QoS (Q0 - Q3)
Upstream peak
0 - 2000 Mbps
Max. unicast upstream traffic per queue.
0 - 2000 Mbps
Guaranteed unicast upstream traffic per queue.
Downstream peak
0 - 2000 Mbps
Max. unicast downstream traffic per queue.
0 - 2000 Mbps
Guaranteed unicast downstream traffic per queue.
Burst peak
0 - 131071 bytes
Burst traffic peak value, also called peak burst size – PBS.