Operation Manual

Your washer-dryer could fail to work. Before contacting the Technical Assistance Centre (see “Assistance”), make sure that
the problem cannot be not solved easily using the following list.
The Washer-dryer does not switch
The wash cycle does not start.
The Washer-dryer does not take
in water (the indicator light for
the first wash cycle stage flashes
The Washer-dryer continuously
takes in and
drains water.
The Washer-dryer does not drain or
The Washer-dryer vibrates a lot
during the spin cycle.
The Washer-dryer leaks.
TheFunctionsindicator lights and
thestart/pause indicator light flash,
while one of the phase in progress”
indicator lights and the “door locked”
indicator light will remain lit in a fixed
There is too much foam.
The washer-dryer does not dry.
Possible causes / Solutions:
• Theapplianceisnotpluggedintothesocketfully,orisnotmakingcontact.
• Thereisnopowerinthehouse.
• TheWasher-dryerdoorisnotclosedproperly.
• TheON/OFFbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• TheSTART/PAUSEbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• Thewatertaphasnotbeenopened.
• Thewaterinlethoseisnotconnectedtothetap.
• Thehoseisbent.
• Thewatertaphasnotbeenopened.
• Thereisnowatersupplyinthehouse.
• Thepressureistoolow.
• TheSTART/PAUSEbuttonhasnotbeenpressed.
• Thedrainhoseisnotfittedataheightbetween65and100cmfromthefloor
(see “Installation”).
• Thefreeendofthehoseisunderwater(see “Installation”).
• Thewalldrainagesystemisnotfittedwithabreatherpipe.
If the problem persists even after these checks, turn off the water tap, switch the applian-
ce off and contact the Assistance Service. If the dwelling is on one of the upper floors of
a building, there may be problems relating to water drainage, causing the Washer-dryer
to fill with water and drain continuously. Special anti-draining valves are available in shops
and help to avoid this inconvenience.
• Thewashcycledoesnotincludedraining:somewashcyclesrequirethedrain
phase to be started manually.
• Thedrainhoseisbent(see “Installation”).
• Thedrainageductisclogged.
• Thedrumwasnotunlockedcorrectlyduringinstallation(see “Installation”).
• TheWasher-dryerisnotlevel(see “Installation”).
• TheWasher-dryeristrappedbetweencabinetsandwalls(see “Installation”).
• Thewaterinlethoseisnotscrewedonproperly(see “Installation”).
• Thedetergentdispenserdrawerisblocked(forcleaninginstructions,see
“Care and maintenance”).
• Thedrainhoseisnotfixedproperly(see “Installation”).
• Switchoffthemachineandunplugit,waitforapproximately1minuteand
then switch it back on again.
If the problem persists, contact the Technical Assistance Service.
• Thedetergentisnotsuitableformachinewashing(itshoulddisplaythetext
“for Washer-dryers” or “hand and machine wash”, or the like).
• Toomuchdetergentwasused.
• Theapplianceisnotpluggedintothesocket,ornotenoughtomakecontact.
• Therehasbeenapowerfailure.
The appliance door is not shut properly.
• Adelayedstarthasbeenset.
• DRYINGknobisinthe0 position.