User guide

5 - 38
PN 074-566-P1B
Composer Elite Operating Manual
5.7.3 Update Command, Carrier Molecular Weight
Command Format: U <Command ID> <Sensor 1-5><Internal Parameter><Data>
Command (U 2 1 1 30.25): 08,00,55,02,01,01,00,00,F2,41,8C
08,00 = Length
55,02,01,01 = Command
00,00,F2,41 = Float Value (30.25)
8C = Checksum
Response: 06,00,55,02,01,01,E1,00,3A
06,00 = Length
55,02,01,01 = Command
E1,00 = Status Bytes
3A = Checksum
No message returned. Had the command not been successful an error code would
have changed the status bit of the status byte.
5.7.4 Update Command, Set Bit Pattern for S0 Command
Command Format: U <Command ID> <Sensor 1-5> <Internal Parameter>
<Bit Pattern>
Command (U 20 1 0 pattern): 08,00,55,14,01,00,00,00,F8,3F,A1
08,00 = Length
55,14,01,00 = Command
00,00,F8,3F = Bit Pattern
A1 = Checksum
Response: 06 00 55 14 01 00 F1 00 5B
06,00 = Length
55 14 01 00 = Bit Pattern
F1 00 = Status Bytes
5B= Checksum
No message returned. Had the command not been successful an error code
would have changed the status bit of the status byte.