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Infinet Wireless: Technical Documentation – InfiMAN Evolution
Operation & Administration – 133
SNMP traps parameter Description
Transport Set the transport method
Two options are available:
“IP” - all SNMP traps are sent to the server specified in
the “Destination” field below
“MINT Gateway” - this option should be used when the
SNMP server is located beyond a gateway that acts as an
SNMP agent for the whole MINT network
Gateway MAC Set the MAC address of the gateway in your MINT network (relay
device) if you selected “MINT Gateway” option
If there's no MAC address specified, all "SNMP traps" are sent to
the MINT SNMP relay
The relay can be specified by checking the "Trap Gateway"
check-box in the "Link Settings" section
Destination Set the IP address of the server and the UDP port (162 port is
commonly used)
25 Table - SNMP Traps SNMPtrap types
The check boxes below specify traps or trap groups that are sent to the server:
SNMP trap types Description
topoGroup Events about topology changes in MINT network
topoEvent Number of neighbors or their status has changed (full
neighbor list)
newNeighborEvent The new Neighbor has appeared
lostNeighborEvent The Neighbor has been lost
radioGroup Events which are related to changes of radio link
radioFreqChanged The Frequency has changed
radioBandChanged The Band has changed
mintGroup Events about link quality changes in MINT network