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Infinet Wireless: Technical Documentation – InfiMAN Evolution
Operation & Administration – 89
In some cases, a signal level that is less than 12 may be enough for the radio link operation. In this case, you
should be guided by parameters such as the number of retries and Error Vector Magnitude. If the number of
retries is low (close to “0”) and EVM is more than 21 (Input Signal stripe is green) then the radio link is most
likely, operating properly.
Retries value should be zero or as low as possible (less than 5%).
The top of an Input Signal stripe should be located in the black area.
The signal quality should be good: EVM value should be more than 21.
Input signals of the two antennas of the device should have similar Cross fading values (Input Signal stripes
should be symmetrically to the value of 0 dB).
ALL described recommendations are applicable to both ("Local" and "Remote") sections. Statistics Graphs
The "Statistics Graphs" tool has been developed based on “digraphs”, which is a fast, flexible open source
JavaScript charting library.
The "Statistics Graphs" tool allows you to monitor the device parameters represented in the graphical charts. The
following modes are available: real-time monitoring, daily and monthly data logs display (use the dropdown menu
from the top of the page to change the mode).
The system displays, by default, the daily data logs. All charts support simultaneous zoom to improve usability: the
“zoom in” action in a certain region on any of the charts reflects on all other charts that are re-scaled automatically
to display the data collected during the same period of time.
Critical events like link outages or frequency swaps are marked by small red balloons on the bottom of each graph.
Move the mouse over each balloon for details:
40 Figure - Statistics graphs - balloon indicators
Working with the charts:
Select a chart region to zoom in
Hold the «Shift» button and drag the graphs to the pan
Double-click on any chart to reset the zoom.
The parameters that can be monitored are: