User's Manual

InfiNet Wireless R5000 Technical User Manual
Copyright © 2004-2011 by InfiNet Wireless
o Normal – standard mode
o Trunk – in this mode the packets are untagged and placed in
groups with a number corresponding to the packet’s VLAN TAG.
(please see the full description of the trunk mode in OS
WANFleX User Manual)
o In-Trunk – this mode allows indicating to what trunk group
belongs the group (please see the full description of the trunk
mode in OS WANFleX User Manual)
o Upstream – this mode is used for upstream multicast flows in video
surveillance systems (please see the full description of video
surveillance system configuration in OS WANFleX User Manual)
o Downstream – this mode is used for downstream traffic in video
surveillance systems (please see the full description of video
surveillance system configuration in OS WANFleX User Manual)
Description - allows adding a text note to the group configuration
Up and down arrows allows to change the group's order
“Remove Group” button – deletes the group
Group Rules – allows adding rules that defines what packets should be
processed by the group
Default Action – the action (permit or deny) taken on the packet if it
doesn’t match to any rule.
This subsection of the “MAC Switch” section allows adding rules that define what
packets should be processed by the group.
Pcap/vlan field – defines whether the rule is a PCAP expression or a VLAN
Rule field – a field where a rule shall be typed in. To view the rules help
please use the “Help” button in the “MAC Switch” section (described
Validate – checks if the rule typed in the “Match” field has the right syntax
Action – the action (permit or deny) taken on the packet if it matches the
Up and down arrows allows to change the rule's order
“Remove Rule” button – deletes the rule
“Add Rule” button – creates a new rule’s entry in the “Group Rules”