User's Manual

InfiNet Wireless R5000 Technical User Manual
Copyright © 2004-2011 by InfiNet Wireless
5. Device Status
The “Device Status” page allows viewing CPU/memory/flash usage and
monitoring statistics of the unit’s interfaces and radio wireless connections and
using the graphical “Antenna alignment” tool and performing radio link
performance tests and viewing the system log.
The “Interface Statistics” section displays the following parameters of all
available interfaces of the device:
Interface – the name of the interface
MAC Address – the MAC-address of the interface
Status – the status of the interface (Up, Down)
Mode – main working parameters currently used by the interface for its
Packets Rx/Tx – the number of received/transmitted packets via the
Errors Rx/Tx – the number of errors on the interface when
Load (kbps) Rx/Tx – the data load of the interface in kilobits per second
Load (pps) Rx/Tx – the data load of the interface in packets per second.
The “Wireless Links Statistics” section displays all neighboring devices which the
interface (RF or Pseudo-RF) of the given node is connected to. The following
radio link parameters are displayed:
Link Quality – indicates the quality of the link to a neighboring device:
green – the link has acceptable characteristics, yellow – the link has
significant problems, red – the link has unsatisfactory characteristics.
Neighbor – the neighbor’s name
MAC Address – the neighbor’s MAC address
Node ID – the sequential number of the neighboring node
Distance – the distance of the link
Transmit Power (dBm) Rx/Tx – transmit power values for remote/local
sides of the link in dBm
Control Level (dB) Rx/Tx – signal levels for receiving/transmitting (in dB)
measured relative to the minimum possible bitrate