User's Manual

InfiNet Wireless R5000 Technical User Manual
Copyright © 2004-2011 by InfiNet Wireless
config show rip nat
In order to save your configuration config save‖ command is used. It saves the
current system configuration in the Device's flash memory for subsequent
permanent use. All modifications to the system parameters, if not saved by this
command, are valid only during the current session (until the system reset
Export/import of the device‘s configuration is performed using config export‖
and config import‖ commands correspondingly. Config export‖ saves the
Device configuration on a remote server and config import‖ reloads it from a
remote server. The information is transferred using FTP.
config export user:sec ret@ var/c onf/test.cfg
Config import command writes the uploaded file directly into the Flash
memory without changing the active configuration in RAM. In order to make a
new configuration active, right after config import command implementation
finishes the device should be rebooted. If config save command is run before
rebooting, Flash memory is overwritten by the copy of the active configuration.
This action will erase the uploaded configuration file.
New firmware uploading
The latest firmware version can be downloaded from our support site
( and from our ftp-server
Command flashnet uploads specified firmware version to the Device.
Download is performed using FTP and FTP server should be installed somewhere
in the network or on a local host from where download being performed.
File name is a full path including IP address of FTP server:
flashnet get upgrade@ infinet_new.bin
Where is IP-address of FTP server and
.../conf/infinet/infinet_new.bin is a full path to firmware version.
The download process has two phases:
File uploading into RAM of InfiNet device.
Programming InfiNet device flash memory from RAM firmware image. This
phase is indicated by ―O.O.O.O.O.O…‖ sequence.
Do not interrupt this process, otherwise device will be brought into
invalid state and it recovery will be possible only at manufacturer
During installation process all system events should be observed in the system
journal (command “sys log”).
6. IP address formats
Many commands of the operating system require specification of IP addresses.
In OS WANFleX, the IP-addressees may be specified in traditional numeric
format. Optionally, the mask may be specified either by its bit length (the
specified number of leading bits in the mask are set to 1, the remaining bits are