User's Manual

InfiNet Wireless R5000 Technical User Manual
Copyright © 2004-2011 by InfiNet Wireless
Default Gateway sets an IP-address for the Default Gateway.
―Create Pseudo-RF‖, ―Create VLAN‖ and ―Create LAG‖ buttons creates the
corresponding interfaces in the configuration of the unit.
Link Settings
This section allows viewing/setting the following link parameters:
Interface available radio interface (or PRF interface)
Network SID - Network System Identifier (up to 8-digit HEX figure). All
units that are supposed to see each other on the same radio link must
have the same SID value
Node Name - the network name for the node
Node ID - the sequential number for the node. The parameter is optional
Security Key - key word to encode protocol messages. The key can be up
to 64 characters long and should not contain spaces (or should be put in
quotes). All units that are supposed to see each other on the same radio
link must have the same Security Key
Encryption enables hardware-accelerated AES-128 encryption for all the
Marker Access - turns marker access (Polling) mode on. This mode is
recommended for PMP and long PTP links (7+ km). Should be enabled
just at the Base Station or at one side of the PTP link (do not enable
polling at both sides, otherwise wireless connection will fail!)
Join Interfaces - allows radio and Pseudo-RF interfaces of the unit to
interconnect with each other as if they are two separate network nodes