User's Manual

InfiNet Wireless R5000 Technical User Manual
Copyright © 2004-2011 by InfiNet Wireless
MAC Switch
This section allows stating the switch mode on the unit and creating multiple
switch groups.
General section:
―Help‖ button displays general help guidelines for MAC switch
―Enable Switch‖ check-box starts switching on the unit
Management VLAN sets a Management VLAN ID. When set the device
access and configuration are possible only via Management VLAN
―Create Switch Group‖ button – creates a new switch group.
Group section:
Group# - allows changing the unique numeric identifier of the group
―Enabled‖ check-box - enables/disables the corresponding switching
Interfaces allows including local network interfaces of the unit (ethX‖,
rfx‖, ―tunX‖, etc.) into the switch group by selecting the corresponding
Each local interface supports 3 modes of dealing with the VLAN tagged
traffic going out from the interface:
o Pass transparent mode, i.e. in this mode all the traffic remains
o Strip in this mode all VLAN tagged packets are untagged by the
o Tag in this mode all the packet are tagged with the VLAN tag
specified in the field located below the ―tag‖ option
STP enables Spanning Tree Protocol feature at the switching group
IGMP enables IGMP-Snooping feature at the switching group
Repeater starts the repeater mode. In this mode the group switches the
packets simply by sending them to all the device‘s interfaces except the
one the packet was received from.
Admin sets the switching group as the admin group. All the packets
originated by the unit itself (e.g. RIP/OSPF or ping) leave the MINT
network via the admin group. If ―No Admin Group‖ is selected such
packets isn‘t able to leave the network
Mode allows using one of the following switch group modes: