User's Manual

InfiNet Wireless R5000 Technical User Manual
Copyright © 2004-2011 by InfiNet Wireless
SNMP protocol enables a network agent to send asynchronous messages (traps)
when some specific event occurs on the controlled device (object). InfiNet
Wireless units have a built-in SNMP Traps support module (agent) that performs
a centralized information delivery from the unit‘s internal subsystems to the
SNMP server. The SNMP Traps agent can be configured in this subsection.
To start SNMP Trap agent on the unit check the ―Enable SNMP Traps‖ check-box.
Available parameters:
Agent IP agent‘s own IP-address sent with SNMP-trap packets
Transport transport method (IP or MINT Gateway). When ―IP‖ is chosen
SNMP-traps are sent to the SNMP server with the IP address specified in
the ―Destination‖ field.
When ―MINT Gateway‖ is chosen SNMP-traps is sent to the SNMP server
via the SNMP network agent running on some other device (Gateway).
To direct SNMP traps to the gateway type its MAC-address in the
―Gateway MAC‖ field. If the ―Gateway MAC‖ field is left blank SNMP traps
are automatically sent to the defined MINT SNMP relay (to set the units
as MINT SNMP relay use ―Trap gateway‖ check-box in the ―Link Settings‖
Destination - sets an SNMP server‘s IP-address and UDP port (port 162 is
used by default). The below trap check-boxes defines the traps and the
groups of traps to be sent to the server.
The ―Clone‖ button adds enables adding multiple SNMP servers.
The ―Clear‖ button unchecks all the trap check-boxes for the server.
―Help‖ button displays help on the SNMP Traps configuration