User Manual

Table Of Contents
Infinet Wireless: Technical Documentation – Quanta 5 / Quanta 6
Troubleshooting – 103
8.2 2. Wireless link is not established
Pre-configuration in the lab
Before installing the devices on site, we recommend to configure the basic parameters in the lab and to make sure
that the link is establishing.Step-by-step instructions for a wireless link configuration are given in theLink Pre-
configuration in the lab(see page 38)article.
Checking the radio parameters
If the wireless link is not establishing in lab conditions, make sure that the radio parameters are set to the values
determined during the planning stage. The correct configuration of the device can be obtained using the
Configuration Generator tool found on the
IW Academy
website.To establish a wireless link, one device must be
configured as Master, the second (or all subscribers of the base station in the point-to-multipoint topology) as
During the configuration of the devices in a lab, take into account the following requirements:
Make sure that the devices are not directed at each other in order to prevent the damage of the
radio modules. It is recommended to place the devices at a distance from each other, with the
antennas directed to the floor.
The minimum transmit output power must be set on the devices.
In case of using two devices with "E" index, it is recommended to connect them directly using RF
cables and RF attenuators with an attenuation of at least 40 dB for each polarization (the
installation\deinstallation of the RF attenuators and of the RF cables should only be performed
when the devices are switched off).
The failure or damage of the device's radio module in case of disregarding these requirements is
not covered by warranty.