User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Copyright © 2004-2012 by InfiNet Wireless
I. Getting Started
This Technical User Manual contains the description of InfiNet Wireless
equipment including installation and configuration guidelines, recommendations
and troubleshooting sections, supplementary materials. The document is
intended to be used by Qualified RF engineers/technicians and IT professionals.
Qualified personnel should have skills and experience in the following areas:
Outdoor/indoor radio equipment installation
Outdoor wireless networks
TCP/IP networking protocols
Safety procedures and instructions for installing antenna equipment
Professional manage of electrical equipment and accessories
Safety procedures and instructions for working on towers and heights
1. Scope of this document
This document consists of the following chapters:
Getting started
This chapter includes the information about this document purpose and structure.
Hardware description
This chapter shows the devices appearance and all plugs and connectors.
Installation procedure
The chapter describes the steps to be taken when installing the equipment at the
installation sites and installation site requirements.
Device configuration procedure
This chapter includes basic recommendations for primary link configuration,
including interfaces configuration and MINT protocol usage. Also there is a
description of how to perform basic manipulations with device’s configuration
including its updating, importing and exporting.
Link configuring
The chapter contains basic recommendations for making preliminary choices and
decisions while planning and deploying a wireless network based on InfiNet
Wireless Devices. It also describes a set of tools that can help while improving
the link quality and statistics gathering.
Services, features and tools
This chapter describes device’s built-in services, features and tools which were
not described in previous parts of the document
The chapter contains different recommendations for some particular cases of
InfiNet Wireless devices usage including building high-speed autonomous links
and multi-sectored base station design.