User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Copyright © 2004-2012 by InfiNet Wireless
Therefore, the possible formats to specify IP-addresses are:
nn.nn.nn.nn (no mask is used)
nn.nn.nn.nn/N (N is the bit length of the mask) ( is the numerical value of the
The address describes the network address and the
mask with leading 24 bits on.
The same set of addresses may be denoted as
6. Ethernet interface configuration
In the most basic form Ethernet interface can be configured as follows:
ifconfig eth0 up
UP flag means than the interface is turned to UP state.
Also you can specify the following parameters for the Ethernet interface:
Media type. By default media type is selected automatically (media
auto parameter).
Assign aliases to the Ethernet interface (alias key word)
Full information about interfaces configuration can be reviewed in OS WanFleX
User Guide ifconfig command.
7. Radio interface configuration
Radio interface configuration is performed using “rfconfig” command. In its
most basic form one need to configure the following parameters of the radio
Frequency (freq parameter) in MHz. For example, 5260.
Bit-rate (bitr parameter). Bit transfer rate in kBits/sec.
System identifier (SID parameter). A hexadecimal number in the range
of 1H to FFFFFFH. All Devices that are supposed to see each other on
the same radio link must have the same identifier.
Radio interface state is not saved in the configuration. That means
that if you put radio
interface to the
state after rebooting it will
be in the
rfconfig rf5.0 freq 5260 bitr 130000 sid 01010101
Additional important parameters and settings for the radio interface:
Rf5.0 radio interface name in this case. In order to obtain radio
interface name either see the ODU/Device labeling or execute
ifc -a” command.
txpwr transmitting power selection. Available power levels can be
obtained using “capabilities” parameter as shown above
burst enables burst mode. BURST protocol means grouping several
short packets with the same destination address on a radio link into
larger packets, thus cardinally decreasing the response time for
applications generating streams of short packets. Burst enabling relates