User's Manual

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Copyright © 2004-2012 by InfiNet Wireless
Ltest can work in standard, alignment and bandwidth modes.
Standard mode:
In standard mode Ltest measures signal levels, retries, lost packets and acks.
To start Ltest in this mode:
lt rf5.0 <Mac-address of a device on the other side of the radio link>
When «ltest» command starts it will show you output information that contains
testing results. You can see Ltest output below:
incoming signal
number of retries
in percent
number of undelivered
packets in percent
number of undelivered
acks in percent
Local device statistics
Remote device statistics
round-trip time
For success radio link establishing the following factors have to be considered:
1. It is recommended to start antenna alignment with searching maximum
signal level on a minimal possible bitrate. Afterwards automatic MINT
mechanisms will set the most appropriate bitrate if autobitrate mode
will be enabled.
2. Current incoming signal level in «amp/max» columns (see “ltest”
command output) must be between 12 and 40.
When it is more than 40 it is recommended to lower amplifier power.
If maximal signal level is less than 12 it is recommended to lower bitrate
or channel width (for example, from 20MHz to 10MHz on the both sides
of the radio link).