
o Head Unit
Front Output
To Head Unit
Rear Output
Rear SpeakersFront Speakers
Figure 5. 475a connected to full-range speakers. Note
crossover and channel assignment settings.
Figure 6. 475a connected to four satellite speakers
and used in conjunction with an additional
subwoofer amplifier or powered subwoofer.
Note crossover and channel assignment settings.
To Head Unit
Front Output
To Sub Amp
To Head Unit
Rear Output
Rear SpeakersFront Speakers
The 475a can be set up for stereo 4-channel,
3-channel or bridged 2-channel operation, as
shown in Figures 5 through 8.
• Minimum speaker impedance for stereo
operation is 2 ohms. Minimum speaker
impedance for bridged operation is 4 ohms.
• Not all possible applications are shown here;
e.g., the applications shown in Figures 5, 6 or 8
could include a separate subwoofer driven by
an additional amplifier. In that case, the user
should refer to Figure 6 for crossover and sub
amp connection suggestions.