User's Manual

Terminal ELITE 770
2- The Terminal
The terminal case contains the following elements :
The portable terminal itself,
A base.
The cable that connects the terminal to a telephone line.
The block sector that connects the terminal to a 115 or 230 volts power point
(depending on the country)
3- The connections
0 Telephonic Connection
The compact telephonic cable connection
that is supplied with the Elite terminal, must
be introduced into the terminal plug, marked
with the symbol . The telephone
connection (RJ11) must be introduced into
the telephone socket in the wall.
Telephonic line
0 Electrical Connection
The small jack connection to the block sector
is plugged into the connection marked with
the symbol on the terminal. The twin
pronged electrical plug of the block is
connected to an electrical point of 115 or
220 volts (depending the country).
Power Supply
0 Connection with an External Peripheral
Certain peripheral devices such as a check
reader can also be connected.