User's Manual

LKS User Guide Creating SSL Certificates
On-Ramp Wireless Confidential and Proprietary 18 010-0059-00 Rev. A
Unlike the LKS certificate, the Common Name for the CA certificate does not need to
be an actual IP address or fully qualified domain name of a particular computer. An
arbitrary common name can be used for the CA certificate, such as ‘cert_authority’.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:California
Locality Name (for example, city) []:San Diego
Organization Name (for example, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:OnRamp
Organizational Unit Name (for example, section) []:OnRamp
Common Name (for example, YOUR name) []:certificate-authority.onramp.local
Email Address []
B.2 Generating a Certificate Signing Request for the LKS
1. Select an RSA key pair for the LKS. If an existing key pair for the LKS is not available, follow
the instructions in Appendix A: Creating RSA Keys to generate a new set of keys.
2. Save the keys to an unencrypted PEM file format (for example, ‘lks_key.priv.pem and Be sure not to use a password protected private key file, otherwise, the
password will have to be entered repeatedly.
3. Using the LKS private key, generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using OpenSSL as
follows. Note that some filenames are user-defined.
openssl req new key <lks_key.priv.pem> out <lks_cert.csr>
4. You are prompted for several pieces of information. Respond as appropriate. Examples are
provided in the following list.
NOTE: It is important that the Common Name field be filled in with the fully qualified
domain name (or the IP address) of the LKS. For example, IP Address: or
Common Name = <IP Address or Qualified Domain Name>
It is also important that this Common Name be different from that of the Certificate
Authority. It is not necessary to enter anything for the last two prompts (that is,
challenge password and optional company name).
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:California
Locality Name (for example, city) []:San Diego
Organization Name (for example, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:OnRamp Wireless
Organizational Unit Name (for example, section) []:OnRamp
Common Name (for example, YOUR name) []:<domain name or IP address of the LKS>