User's Manual

Promi-ESD User Manual Appendix B S-Register
© 2005 Initium Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
S-registers contain 46 parameters of Promi-ESD. These are stored in flash
memory and sustained the values unless hardware reset is executed. The value
of S-register can be accessed and changed with ATS command by user. Some
S-registers not shown below are set to maximize the performance of Promi-
ESD. Thus it is not recommended to change these S-registers.
Change the value of S-register only in Standby status.
S1: Force to Reconnect (default 1)
S1=0, Promi-ESD in Mode1 does not try reconnection when disconnected.
S1=1, Promi-ESD in Mode1 keeps trying reconnection when disconnected.
S3: Stream UART Policy (default 0)
S3=0, the priority of UART streaming is throughput.
S3=1, the priority is latency, which minimizes the delay of data transmission.
This is useful in case of transmiting very small data quickly.
S4: Enable Remote Name Query (default 1)
S4=0, Promi-ESD inquires only BD address. This speeds up the inquiry process.
S4=1, Promi-ESD inquire BD address, device name and class of device.
S10: Enable SD Response (default 1)
S10=0, Promi-ESD does not send SD responses to host system.
S10=1, Promi-ESD send SD responses to host system.
S11: Enable Escape (default 1)
S11=0, Promi-ESD does not allow escape sequence character. The operation
status of Connect cannot be changed to Standby. As Promi-ESD skips the
process detecting escape sequence character, the more efficient data
transmission is expected.
S11=1, Promi-ESD allow escape sequence character. Whenever it is needed,
the Connect status can be changed to Standby.
S12: Clear Data Buffer When Disconnected (default 0)