User's Manual

Promi SD™ User Manual ver 1.7
2.2.5 Automatic connection of two Promi SD™ Units
Two SD units connect automatically when powered up. For automatic SD
connection first make a Bluetooth connection between two SD units. Once
connected, the SD stores the 48-bit BD_ADDR of its counterpart. To expedite
48-bit BD_ADDR input operation, the SD is designed to store the BD_ADDR of
its latest counterpart.
1. Set one SD to do INQUIRY SCAN and PAGE SCAN operation as directed in
section 3.3.
2. Set the other SD to connect to the SD in the previous step.
3. Once connected successfully, both SD units store the BD_ADDR of their
counterpart in their internal Flash. When desired, release the connection as
directed in section 3.4.
4. Set the operating mode of one SD to MODE 1 by entering an ‘AT+ BTMODE’
command as shown below.
5. Set the operating mode of the other SD to MODE 2 by entering an
‘AT+BTMODE’ command as show below.