User's Manual

REV 1.0 9/12/2017
InnoComm Mobile Technology Confidential
6. SW information and User Guide
SW information
The SIGFOX software driver supports MCUs. These MCUs are a subset
of the MCUs supported by the Kinetis Software Development Kit (KSDK) layer.
This SW driver is built on the Analog Middleware Layer (AML), which creates an
API abstraction layer for the desired Software Development Kit (SDK).
The current implementation includes abstractions for KSDK 2.0 and S32 SDK. This allows support to
be added for additional layers, such as the KSDK, without having to change the SIGFOX Software Driver
The detail Commend and SPI please read the web link as below.
SigFox Software driver user guide
Hardware Setting
1) SN10-1x EVB
2) FRDM_KL25Z host board
3) Sigfox Network Emulator Kit (SNEK)
4) USB cable