How-To Guide

System Configuration Utilities 5-11
Features Menu
The Features pull-down menu allows you to set up several system features.
Set TV Mode
Keyboard Repeat
Keyboard Matrix
All items on this menu are described in the sequence below.
Set TV Mode
Sets the TV mode when a TV is used for the display output. Select PAL for use
in the UK and Europe; NTSC for use in other areas.
Keyboard Repeat
Invokes a sub-menu that lets you set up "Keyboard Repeat function.
"Keyboard repeat means that continually holding down a key on the keyboard
is interpreted as repeatedly pressing the key. The sub-menu contains the
following items:
Keyboard Repeat Rate Sets the rate (in characters/second) at which the
keys are repeated.
Key Delay sets the delay (in seconds) between when the key was first
pressed and when the repeating begins.