User's Manual

INNO 30 User’s Guide INNOSTREAM Confidential
PAGE : 71 of 93
Keep an eye on your time, if it runs too low you won’ t be able to continue to the next level.
When you complete a level, if you think you can do it faster, select retry as your time is carried
forward to the next level and remaining time is awarded as a bonus
You don’ t have to collect all the stars, but if you miss just one star, you will loose your chance
to become a god. When you collect all the starts in a level, you restore one zodiac sign.
The key configuration is as follows:
[NAVI-LEFT] or [4] : makes Sprintus move to the left.
[NAVI-RIGHT] or [6] : makes Sprintus move to the right.
[NAVI-UP] or [2] : makes Sprintus move up
[NAVI-DOWN] or [8] : makes Sprintus move down
[NAVI-CENTRE] or [5] : selects
Finishing the game
If Sprintus make it through all 20 mazes he will escape with his life and return to Rome
unharmed. However, if he manages to collect all 100 stars, he will be awarded the greatest prize
available to mortal men, to join the gods as an equal on Mt. Olympus.
9.7.2 Java
When you enter this menu, you will see a list of Midlets ( Java Application running on the mobile
phone) installed on the mobile phone. If you want to install a Midlet, you can download one by