User's Manual

INNO 55 User’s Guide INNOSTREAM Confidential
PAGE : 62 of 85
The key configuration is as follows:
[NAVI-LEFT] or [4] : makes Sprintus move to the left.
[NAVI-RIGHT] or [6] : makes Sprintus move to the right.
[NAVI-UP] or [2] : makes Sprintus move up
[NAVI-DOWN] or [8] : makes Sprintus move down
[NAVI-CENTRE] or [5] : selects
Finishing the game
If Sprintus make it through all 20 mazes he will escape with his life and return to Rome
unharmed. However, if he manages to collect all 100 stars, he will be awarded the greatest prize
available to mortal men, to join the gods as an equal on Mt. Olympus.
<Classic Rally>
Ever imagined being a hard-core rally driver when seated snugly in your racing car? Well here
is your chance. Classic Rally lets you choose from a range of different cars, each with its own
driving capabilities.
Rules of the game
The objective of the game is to race against the computer and complete each track as fast as
possible without damaging your car too much.
When you start the game, it displays the Track, Track record, Car, Lap record, Player, Car of
the best score in a track.