User's Manual

INNO 55 User’s Guide INNOSTREAM Confidential
PAGE : 64 of 85
and be positioned at the last checkpoint you passed.
The key configuration is as follows:
[NAVI-LEFT] or [4] : makes the car move to the left.
[NAVI-RIGHT] or [6] : makes the car move to the right.
[NAVI-UP] or [2] : makes the car accelerate
[NAVI-DOWN] or [8] : makes the car move backward
[NAVI-CENTRE] or [5] : selects a car, a track or a letter.
In order to successfully complete a lap you must pass all checkpoints on the track.
If you somehow miss a checkpoint you will be notified hereof. You will have to go back to the
checkpoint you missed and pass it before you can complete the lap.
Finishing the game
If you manage to complete the track and
beat the track time you will be allowed to enter your
name for the high score list:
Move the cursor left and right by using [NAVI-LEFT] or [4] for the left direction and [NAVI-
RIGHT] or [6] for the right direction, respectively. Select a letter by pressing [NAVI-CENTRE]
or [5].
To delete a letter, move the cursor to DEL and then press [NAVI-CENTRE] or [5]. When you
have finished entering your name, move the cursor to END and then press [NAVI-CENTRE] or