User Manual

LC 1200 Manual FAQ & Troubleshooting 16-1
Tag Band
System (General)
System (Maintenance)
What can I use to clean Tags?
Use antibacterial wipes or hydrogen
peroxide (wipe, do not soak) to clean Tags.
How should I store Tags?
Ideally, to preserve battery life, Tags should
be turned off with a TAD. However, if you
do not have a TAD or your Tags are always
activated, Tags should be stored away from
sources of electrical noise and stored in a
metal container with lid.
How can I be sure the Tag is on and
functioning properly?
You can test that a Tag is on and functioning
properly by the testing it with a TAD or
taking the Tag to a monitored zone (this may
cause alarms). For more information on the
TAD, see chapter 3.
How often should I check a Tag’s battery
with my TAD?
Accutech recommends testing a Tag’s
battery during assignment then again during
unassignment prior to cleaning and
restocking of the Tag for new use. Periodic
weekly testing of Tags for long-term
patients is also recommended.
How long will the Tags last before I need to
replace them?
Accutech Tags operate by internal battery.
The Tags have been engineered for greater
than 12 months usage.
Can I replace or recharge the battery in the
No. Once a Tag’s battery is drained, the Tag
will have to be replaced.
What is the Tag case made of?
The Tag case is made of FDA-approved
Lexan® plastic
Tag Band:
What is the Tag band made of?
The Tag band is nylon-mesh-reinforced
latex-free vinyl.
Are Tag bands reusable?
No. Tag bands are for one-time use only.
How long will the 9-volt battery last in the
The life of the 9-volt battery in the TAD is
dependant upon usage. You should always
switch off the TAD when not in use.
Can I use a rechargeable battery in the