User Manual

LC 1200 Manual The LC 1200 System 1-3
Double conditioning – Door with Lock(s)
Notes: Although most locks can be interfaced
with an LC unit, the instructions hereafter are
only applicable to an Accutech supplied 3101
Magnetic Lock.
If an active Tag enters a monitored door zone,
the system will detect the Tag. At that moment
(provided the door is closed, has a Magnetic
Lock(s), and the Lock is unobstructed) the
Magnetic Lock will energize, locking the door.
The Lock will remain locked for as long as the
Tag is in the monitored zone. When the Tag
leaves the monitored zone, the door will unlock
after an adjustable period of time (02-18
seconds; set by potentiometer R43 (Tag Detect
Accutech’s 3101 Magnetic Locks also
incorporates Delayed Egress Circuitry that
complies with N.F.P.A. 101 Life Safety Codes
5- If engaged, the Lock will release
within 15 seconds (after 1-3 second nuisance
delay) whenever a maintained force (less than 15
pounds required) is applied to the door. An
audible tone enunciates both countdown and
release. When the Lock releases, the red LED
will turn solid green and the Lock alarm will
sound continuously. However, if the door is not
opened and the Tag leaves the zone, the audible
tone will cease and the Lock will return to
normal operation.
The Lock will NOT engage (or will disengage)
when the facility’s Fire Alarm is activated or
power is lost.
Double conditioning - Elevator
Note: The use of Elevator Deactivation with the
LC unit will require a relay board.
Elevator Deactivation Circuitry restricts the
wearer of a Tag from using an elevator. If a Tag
enters a monitored elevator zone, the elevator’s
call button on that floor will be deactivated (Call
buttons on other floors are unaffected and no
one is restricted from coming to the floor).
If the elevator car is en route to the floor when a
Tag approaches the zone, the elevator will arrive
on the floor, the door(s) will open, and the
system will alarm.
When a Tag is in the zone (or approaches the
zone) and the elevator doors are open, the doors
will remain open and an alarm will sound.
Double Conditioning - Automatic Door
If an active Tag enters a monitored automatic
door zone, the system will detect the Tag and the
automatic door operation (motion detector
and/or push paddle) will be disabled. If the door
is manually opened while the Tag is in the zone,
an egress alarm will be generated. When the Tag
leaves the zone, the door will return to normal
operation after an adjustable period of time (02-
18 seconds; set by potentiometer R43 (Tag
Detect Delay).
To clear this alarm, remove the Tag from the
zone, close the door, and enter a valid code into
the zone Keypad.