User Manual

2-8 The LC unit LC 1200 Manual
Notify staff and security
Why tune the LC unit?
Tuning an LC unit
Adjusting the Tx Activation Field
Stagger Tuning
Notify staff and security
Whenever making adjustments to an LC unit,
notify staff and security and remind them they
will need to pay special attention to area traffic
during this time.
Why tune the LC unit?
The LC unit comes from the factory tuned to
typical parameters that will be effective under
most circumstances. However, there are 3
possible reasons to tune:
a. During initial installation to
accommodate special environmental
conditions. This is the most likely
reason to tune since every zone should
be tested and adjusting during initial
installation to assure proper coverage.
b. The unit had to be mounted close to a
metal object during installation and was
c. Stagger Tuning was implemented.
A Tamper alarm will be generated when you
remove the LC unit cover or if you remove
power from the unit (and a 9V NiCAD
battery is installed) a Power Loss Supervisor
alarm will be generated.
Tuning an LC unit
To tune the LC unit, refer to Figure 2.6 and use
the following instructions:
1. Notify staff and security that you will be
adjusting the zone and they will need to
pay special attention to area traffic
during this time.
2. Open the LC unit cover by removing the
two spanner screws. A Tamper alarm
will be generated.
3. Silence the Tamper alarm by removing
jumper JP2 (Tone Enable).
4. Adjust potentiometer R4 (Tx Gain) until
LED1 is dim. This is done so that you
can detect minor light changes on LED1
while you are tuning the unit.
5. Slowly adjust C2 (Tuning capacitor)
until LED1 is as bright as possible.
6. Adjust R4 (Tx Gain) until LED1 is as
bright as possible.
7. Confirm the zone has adequate coverage
and readjust as necessary (see Chapter
15: System Maintenance & Testing).
8. Replace jumper JP2 and the LC cover
with spanner screws.
9. Reset the zone by entering a valid code
into the zone Keypad.