User Manual

LC 1200 Manual Tags & TAD 3-3
Verifying Proper Zone Coverage
Identifying Foreign Tag-Activating
DISCLAIMER: Due to each facility’s
unique environment, an LED Tag cannot
give an exact measurement of zone
coverage; it can only give an estimation of
zone coverage.
Verifying Proper Zone Coverage
An LED Tag (Part # 660008; Figure 3.5) is
used to verify proper zone coverage during
installation, adjustment, or testing of a
monitored zone.
Proper zone coverage fully protects the
intended area (door, elevator, hallway, or
any other passageway) without extending
into other areas (in front, in back, on sides,
above, and beneath the intended area).
Monitored zones emit a Tag-activating
signal called the Tx Activation Field. When
a Tag enters a zone’s Tx Activation Field,
the system will detect the Tag and take
appropriate action response.
An LED Tag can detect a zone’s Tx
Activation Field without causing alarms
making it a quick and easy way to verify
proper zone coverage. This is not only
useful in ensuring complete zone coverage
but also in locating areas where a Tx
Activation Field may be extending into
common areas and causing nuisance alarms
or locating sources of electrical noise.
To verify proper zone coverage with an
LED Tag, use the following instructions:
1. Using a TAD, activate the LED Tag.
NOTE: The Signal Strength LEDs
of the TAD will not indicate the
state of the LED Tag. Once
activated the LED Tag’s LED will
illuminate when it is in a Tx
Activation Field. Therefore, to
verify the LED Tag is active, turn
on the TAD and place the LED Tag
near it. The LED Tag’s LED should
illuminate (since a TAD has a small
Tx Activation Field associated with
2. With the LED Tag in your hand,
slowly approach each zone at
various angles and orientations. The
LED Tag’s LED will illuminate
when it detects the zone’s Tx
Activation Field.
Figure 3.5 The LED Tag
3. If you find that a zone’s coverage is
at unacceptable levels (too small,
too big, extends too far in one
direction), look for factors that may
be affecting the zone (food carts,
medical equipment, and/or building
4. If you cannot locate any immediate
causes, contact your system
maintenance technician for further
5. When finished, deactivate the LED
Tag using a TAD.