User Manual

LC 1200 Manual The Keypad 6-7
Programming the master code
The master code controls access to the Keypad’s
programming menu. The factory default master
code is [1][2][3][4], but after subsequent
programming, this default code will be
automatically superseded by user code No. 1,
which becomes the real master code.
The master code (User code No. 01) must be
tightly controlled at all times to prevent
unauthorized changes in the Keypad’s
programming; do not
use this code for day-to-
day Keypad operation.
It is dangerous to continue using the factory
default master code [1][2][3][4] for day-to-
day Keypad operation! It is mandatory to set
a new master code, which will be used for
programming purposes only and not for
everyday requirements.
When programming note that:
The [#] key functions like an “enter” key.
In any Keypad operation, if any code is
entered 3 times or more incorrectly, the
Keypad will lockout for 10 minutes
(indicated by a green blinking LED).
If you make an error while programming,
[*] to return to the programming
To program the master code, use the following
1. Invoke the programming menu by
entering [*][*][master code][*][*].
At this point we shall assume that the
factory default of [1][2][3][4] is still
valid (
Figure 6.7). When the
programming menu is active, the green
LED flashes slowly, approximately once
every two seconds.
Figure 6.7
Entering the Programming Menu example
2. Enter
[1] to select user code
programming. The green LED begins to
flash rapidly (approximately 5 times per
second) indicating that the Keypad is
ready to receive data.
3. Enter [0][1], followed by [#] for user
code number 1.
The green LED lights steadily for two
seconds and then returns to rapid
flashing indicating that the step has been
completed successfully
4. Enter the code to be used as the master
code followed by
[#] (see Figure 6.8 for
). The green LED lights steadily
for two seconds and then returns to rapid
Figure 6.8 Code example
5. Repeat the user code followed by
The green LED will acknowledge as in
the previous step.
6. Now select which outputs will be
tripped by the new master code, select
[3] for all outputs followed by [#]. The
green LED lights steadily for two
seconds and then flashes slowly,
indicating that the new master code has
been programmed successfully and that